CCC Certificate of Distinction

I was in TDSB Virtual Secondary School (VSS) for grade 9. Needless to say, I got quite bored, so I decided to join the VSS Computer Club.

The VSS Computer Club was a bunch of computer enthusiasts that hosted weekly computing discussion meetings and code golf competitions. As part of the computer club, I was given the opportunity to write the Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) hosted by the University of Waterloo.

The CCC is a three-hour test where students are given five computer science questions to answer. The students need to write code to fulfill the requirements of the question and submit their code online to be graded.

I took the test in grade 9 and had a lot of fun. The next year I went back for a second round and won a certificate of distinction for placing in the top 25% of participants.

I am proud of this certificate, and I will continue to take the CCC for the rest of high school.

The certificate of distinction can be found here: