
To expand my problem-solving capabilities as a programmer, I decided to take the CS50p online course and master the python programming language. 

CS50p is Harvard University’s introduction to programming with Python. Students learn about functions, arguments, and return values; variables and types; conditionals and Boolean expressions; and loops. They also learn how to handle exceptions, find and fix bugs, and write unit tests; use third-party libraries; validate and extract data with regular expressions; model real-world entities with classes, objects, methods, and properties; and read and write files.  More information about CS50p can be found here: https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2023/

The course has 10 weeks (each with their own problem set) and a final project: 1 Functions, Variables 2 Conditionals 3 Loops 4 Exceptions 5 Libraries 6 Unit Tests 7 File I/O 8 Regular Expressions 9 Object-Oriented Programming 10 Et Cetera

To pass the course, I was required to complete all coursework (problem sets and the final project) with full marks.  I learned a lot and I am happy that I took CS50p. I can now say I know python.  

My CS50p certificate is part of this pdf and can be found here: https://cs50.harvard.edu/certificates/8452aa05-c6d2-45cd-8627-99b9d8b21b69   

My final project along with a video presentation can be found here: https://github.com/blucardin/cartoonify