
I was in TDSB Virtual Secondary School (VSS) for grade 9. Needless to say, I got quite bored, so I decided to join the VSS Computer Club.

The VSS Computer Club was a bunch of computer enthusiasts that hosted weekly computing discussion meetings and code golf competitions. At the end of the year, the club put together a hackathon (a 48 hour event where programmers compete in teams to build the best computer project).

I joined the hackathon and was paired up with a team of three other programmers. Going off the hackathon’s topic, education, we designed a Discord bot that would play educational games in chat.

Discord is a messaging system where in chat groups (servers) you can install third party plugins to interact with using the chat (bots).

Our bot had several uses like generating a typing speed test, math quiz, or chemistry element quiz. For every quiz you took, you would get points depending on the score you achieved. We also implemented a leaderboard function where the points for each player globally could be shown.

We ended up winning the competition and receiving the best UI/UX prize.

A year later, I approached the organizers of the hackathon, and with their help, I organized Recess Hacks 2.0. Learn more about it here: https://recesshacks.com/

Learn more about the project here: https://devpost.com/software/discerning All code can be found here: https://github.com/blucardin/Recess-Hacks-Submission